Once we got on the road, we didn't really stop, other than to pay $10 for the privelege of using the bathrooms and to take a handful of pics at the Monument Valley visitor center. After that, it was simply more driving through the red rock (I'm sure you wondered where I was going with the title of this post) of Utah. Very pretty.
We capped our night by doing a "Caynonlands at Night" boat tour. I was initially disappointed by the "Canyonlands" reference since it had nothing to do with Canyonlands National Park. We actually went up the Colorado with Arches NP on our left, but it was still cool. They used a truck on the road to light the canyon walls at night and give some interesting shadows. And when the lights went off a few times, it was nice to float down the river and see the stars.
I'll post a pic later, most likely of the Mittens at Monument Valley. Sunday we'll be hiking to Delicate Arch before driving to Denver, so look for a pic of that later as well.
Here's the pic of Monument Valley (The Mittens) that I promised.

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